Friday, November 7, 2008


Today is FUN. :D

Got prepared and cab-ed to cresent after baby's call.
Like what the hell man, It cost me $9++. FROM REDHILL TO CRESENT.
The driver no balls, he took the long way. ): He kept talking on the phone with dont know what language, I was so fucking pissed off la.
Chill. Met boyf, Isk, Jason and Yuan Xiang. :D played poker while waiting for leonard? (: Every of them wore jeans today, first time you know?! Laughs
Went to great world, met Jiamin? :D went up to check the movie timing, very late. ):
Went arcade awhile and cab-ed to vivo. :D
Bought Ticket. Slacked, Smoked, Chat-ed, Joked. Watched the coffin. :D
The movie disappoint me man, stupid endings. And I dont understand the whole story. ):
Mother called me to go home because my brother didn't bring his key?
So yea. accompanied them to smoked.

Jia Min : Why the ship dont move one?
Jason : Nobody go up of course never move la, must wait for the time so it will move.
Jia Min : orh, I see.
Me : So, will the ship move?

Took 145 home. :D
Jiamin is going Taiwan tomorrow. ): I will miss her man, I WLL.



Esther Chen. 15
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