Saturday, November 22, 2008

Best friend.

she is my best friend.

I am sorry of the problems you are facing lately, I know this is tough.
trying so hard to let your parents understand but no avail, you got to cheer up alright? I know this wont really help that much, but remember how we used to tell every of our secrets to each other? you've been my best friend for a year, & we always will. so far, no one can understand how I always feel like you do.
I've never seen you cry, no matter how bad you feel deep inside.

Just remember, even you are tansferring. you've got us, you've got me. :)
its not the end of the world my dear, definitely not. :) & I believe your parents will get to understand one day, just like mine. Be strong, you told me that when I was at my lowest. I know you can k, lets meet up really soon. <3 Love you many. Take gooooooood care of yourself k!



Esther Chen. 15
(L) Close Ones, Maen J, Family.

you are my purpose, for everything.
Take me with you now, with my heart.

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ce 22 Nov 2008. :)