Thursday, October 23, 2008

How much I love you does not matter.

Like -'-, I dropped to NA. I failed by just that few percent, I was so disappointed. Despite the fact that my mother was understanding, she didn't scold me when she knew about it, infact she still asked if i am feeling okay. With my swollen eye after the cried, I was not allow to go home, teachers claimed that I will do silly stuffs. Well, thank everyone for being there for me. people like shien li, gao qiang, elaine, nico and wei jie. love you guys. I will work hard next year, I promise.



Esther Chen. 15
(L) Close Ones, Maen J, Family.

you are my purpose, for everything.
Take me with you now, with my heart.

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ce 22 Nov 2008. :)