Friday, March 21, 2008

iam supposed to have tuition today, but she didnt reply my message. D:

i dislike youtube, watch a video must wait for years lidat. D:
and my bro is watching some girly stuffs, weirdo.

iam so bored, dont feel like talking to anyone lah, sorry if i didnt reply your message or msn. theres a strange feeling inside me and i dunno how to describe it. D: feeling kind of emo, its like last time. empty inside, i get this feeling after you left. i know i shouldnt. trying to cheer myself up now.

post is kinda short when iam moodless. D:

shien-li ; (: i want to talk to you more too. but someone say my blogskin suck. janice sie. D:
jacelyn ; sorry dear, i forgot bout you. i will add you up. :D laogong ILY.
zhixiu ; haha. you cuter. (:
abby ; aha! yea you still own me one. i want to see you sooo much lah. D:
jiamin ; LAOPO! ily too! we shall meet this few days ya? (:
meldon ; you are weird lah please, why you write me? -.- thanks for tagging. :D
janice ; cus you com got something wrong thats why you know. only you get shock lah weirdo. D: and you are sweet. (:



Esther Chen. 15
(L) Close Ones, Maen J, Family.

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