Monday, March 17, 2008

i feel like posting.
but i dont feel like posting.
clever ones will know what i meant.

mother is nagging, i dunno why she does.
crazy, i start a topic about simin after that she change the subject to me. iam not trying to say anything but well, i know who is lian and who isnt. but she dont trust me. :[ iam angry.

iam going to jump here and there as i said i didnt feel like posting.
iam gonna delete my friendster account.
currently msn-ing with meldon, so less people online. :[ all went to eat dinner.
i dunno what to post anymore. D:
i ❥ shien-li, janice, hazel, adelene, jacelyn, elaine.tan.
ahhhaa, iam high-ing. :[

F R I E N D. the best word to describe us now.
managed not to miss you all the time, admit i do miss the past though.
thanks for everything. :D
ILY ; for what we were and the memories you gave.
; for what we are and the laughters you give. :]



Esther Chen. 15
(L) Close Ones, Maen J, Family.

you are my purpose, for everything.
Take me with you now, with my heart.

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ce 22 Nov 2008. :)