Friday, September 5, 2008

1)what is the important thing in your life?
Boyfriend,Friends and Family.

2)what is last thing you bought with you own money?
hmmmm, doughnut:D

3)Where do you wish to get married?

4)How old do you think you will permanently owned by your love?
It depends?

5)Are you in Love?
♥Weekiat :D

6) when was the last restaurant you had dinner?
Just now?

7)Name the lastest book you bought?
hmmmm. Teenage? :D

8)What is you full name?
Esther Tan.

9)share your secret with?
Boyfriend, Loved ones♥

10)The longest relationship?

11)Boyfriend/Family to takecare of you?

12)do you do your own laundry?

13)How many children you wish to have?

14) Hugs/kisses?

15)Name a person, stat 5 Facts about her/Him.
1. He is my dearest baby.
2. I love him.
3. I am talking on the phone with him.
4. He is being super Hyper over the phone.
5. He is the best boyfriend I've ever had.

16)8 things i am passionate about.
1.Love, Lots of them.
2.Boyfriend, Loved ones.

17)8 things i say often.
1.mei you mao/hairless/mo mo.
2.Fuck you.
3.What the Hell.
5.Bluff me.
7.I dont know/bu dong.

18)books i've read recently.
Teenage, is that counted? o.o

19)8 song you would listen to over and over again.
1. Fall.
2. Sorry.
3. I wanna go.
4. Whatever it takes
5. i can wait forever.
6. Its not goodbye
7. you found me.
8. Losing my ground.

20)8 things i learned this/last year.
1. The one you always hang out with,
doesnt mean she is the one you can trust.
2. The real meaning of Heart Breaking.
3. Everything is unexpected.
4. Its nothing if you have friends everywhere, the real friends
is those who will always be there no matter what happens.
5. everything gets better in time.
6. No matter how long it have been, how happy you're now.
your heart break again and again everytime when you see the one
who hurt you most.
7. Love, has no reasons.
8. Studies, always stress me out.

Tag to : shien li, jia min, vivian, maria, elaineT/L, Adelene and everyone. :D

You bring colours to my world.



Esther Chen. 15
(L) Close Ones, Maen J, Family.

you are my purpose, for everything.
Take me with you now, with my heart.

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ce 22 Nov 2008. :)