Well, its a Sunday afternoon and I didn't go anywhere and not going to. Pathetic, I miss that somebody. :O Didn't go home on Friday night and reached home on Saturday night. Had a fun day. (L)
Exam is in a weeks time, I know that. But something is stopping me from studying, I don't know what. Some one tell me what to do. ):
Sometimes, I wonder why I can't find any flaws on you?
Everything that makes me happy, I thought of you.
Why is this so.
Guest : Uh I don't have a good complexion?
Guest : what do you think? :O
Passerby : Let them, I don't care. (:
Yuting : :D
Passerby : I don't have a good complexion, and please don't irritate me with this question anymore? Thanks. (:
Cynthia : alright. (L)
Shu Min : I hope anything is fine, anything wrong text me kay. (:
Shien Li : I am. (L)
Zenna : Hello. :D
Janice : Haha, we still talk.
Dawn : Oh, then how you know me? :O
L.Meixuan : love you. (L)