I shall not post about things happened few days back because life was boring, slack + study everytime.
And science paper was hard, I hope I can pass.
Pictures below is the day we went to town together, Then after that we stayed over at Maen's house. (L) It was fun.
Pictures are not clear because I was using the front camera. :)
Gao Qiang. :D
Bestest, love. (L)
(L) I love you.
Hao Ren. (:
MCHONG, I am really speechless about everything.
If now I really mention what and why, people reading will get speechless too.
Since we have been friends for so long and I don't wish to get into any fights between us, and your girl. Since I have been the reason of the unhappiness between both of you, then sure I will just treat you like a stranger.
Tags replied :
Passed : alot of places, but tank tops usually can be found at many shops. (:
Passingz : Yes. (:
Elaine.L : hello, yes yes. Hope to meet up soon. (L)
Passerby : thanks. (:
Zai Rong : Happy mother day? Hahaha
Wkeong : Hello. :D
Zenna : hi sweetheart! (:
Reader : bugis street my dear. (:
hallo : Hi, Uh nope. I am using the transparent one. (:
Shu Min : haha, will think about it again. (L)
Nat : haha. :D
Zenna. (L)
hahaha : Hi, thanks for your advice. I will think about it again. (;
~_~ : hello, Thanks for the compliment. Will try to update often, continue viewing kay. (:
hellowello : oh its at far east, I bought it at 8 only. (:
Janice : hahaha. :D
Shu Min : I love you too. :D
Jonas Ng : oh, I wonder how you manage to find my friendster? Thanks anyway. :)
Abby : loveeeeeeeee(L)
Zhi Xiu : see you soon. :D