Told you I have plenty of them. :D
Oh well, I am back to friendster and facebook and and Msn again dued to my boredom.
I am well dressed at home, waiting for baby to come and off to BBQ at Bishan with family together. ^^
Tags replied :
Zairong : will relink soon^^ Ly
Janice : Huh?
Mei Xuan : heh Thanks! Luv
(: : N2/5 ^^
Maen : Hate you, (:
:] : It depends whats your expectation. ^^
Wei Zhen : hi
ip@sserby : Hello, Eh no I don't ^^
Guest : You don't tell me your name how would I know? (:
Abby : Fri ohoh! (:
Zairong : (L)
Passerby : Oh (:
May : Hihi ^^