Hello people, I am posting right now because I came back home early today.
Got tuition for 3 hours. ):Effing tired I tell you.
So anyway, school was fine.
Had History test, I think I won't fail this time round. :)
D & T test as well.
After school I went home straight for tuition.
Today both of my hands got this blink blink thingy, It look just like how Edward Cullen look under the sun.
Hell cool alright, I don't know how I got them either.
I refused to wash it away. :(
Tagboard changed! :)
Kay crap. I miss alot of people ; Mc hong, Abby, Elaine Lim, Teo Shien-Li, Isk & co, Gladys & Nico.... All the people whom I don't get to see for a long time. ):