Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I wondered if its right, and if its wrong.
Nobody knows nor understands what I am trying to say, I've got a lot of friends, Yet I have none of that.
You are very nice and capable in doing everything, its just me.. who don't know how to appreciate, who don't know how to be selfish, who don't how to pretend that everything is fine and make things easier for everyone.
I just can't do it, all by myself.
But just tell me who will be there? no one. You can't always expect there is this when you put in all the attention on another earlier on. Again, you people will tell me I am thinking too much.
I am just trying to look and do the best for myself, and the people I loved and cared.. I have no idea whats wrong, I have no idea why I would have to think about what others think when I know it would eventually make me feel better. Till then, I can't trust you.

You may not know what am I talking about, neither do I.



Esther Chen. 15
(L) Close Ones, Maen J, Family.

you are my purpose, for everything.
Take me with you now, with my heart.

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